
the future changes shape
during times
of collapse
becoming an ancestor, a phantasm
where it is more comfortable.
this reveals how it is built
and that it is not something
by the individual

planning returns from the abstract
of the fiscal year
to the realm of the seasons
spring is coming,
and now i'll be home.
so, what seeds
will i plant
on the ground
where i dream?

the future should shape shift
for it is part of the operation of
the ecological soul,
a space of possibility
born from webs of relation.

capital and extractivism
creates a monoculture
of time, of futures.
when things never change,
thats when they can haunt us.
what if the future has haunted you,
your whole life?
maybe it wasn't the past, after all.

the ancients knew
that every so often
time has to die
to start over.

then we can re-member
how to make our own dreams
like baskets of bark
like bowls of wood
that don't sit flat on the table
because the table was made
before all this,
in a world much too flat,
in a world
without room
for all the dimensions.
without room
for the unknown.


Mysticism is a Survival Skill


Images Used to Be Gods